Web 3.0 and dApps development: What are they and why should you care?

Everything you need to know about Web 3.0 and development of decentralized (blockchain) applications clearly and in one place.

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Web3 and decentralized applications have been making a lot of noise lately. Some see them as another buzzword, while others see them as the future of the internet and digital products.

Dive with us into the world of these modern technologies and get a picture of them yourself. We will tell you everything you need to know about web3 technology and why you should think about developing dApps.

What is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 (sometimes also web3) is a decentralized network built on decentralized technologies. Its main goal is to transform the Internet into a more democratic and secure place where no one will control traffic or censor information just because the website is running on his servers.

For example, the use of decentralized social networks cannot be conditioned on consent to the processing of personal data, and everyone must follow the same rules, regardless of the user or corporation.

Web3 thus responds to the need for increased control over user data and privacy protection, which has grown with the growth of social networks and other platforms, typical of Web 2.0.

Despite the fact that web3 is a relatively new concept and no one has yet precisely defined a comprehensive solution to this technology, it symbolizes the future of the Internet for many. A future built on a new architecture, the next generation of web applications (dApps) and a business model of independent on corporations.

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The History of Websites in a Nutshell

hand image
  • 1990-2004
  • the beginning of the internet
  • first website
  • predominance of static websites
  • content created mostly by programmers
  • internet used mainly for content consumption
hand image

Web 2.0 vs. Web3

Web 2.0 architecture is built on communication between the web browser and the web server, which houses the frontend, backend and database of the website or web application:

  1. The user enters a request through the browser.

  2. The browser uses protocols to deliver the request to the server.

  3. The server processes the request.

  4. The server sends the result to the browser via logs.

So the key elements are the server and protocols - over which the user does not have 100% control. And here comes web3, which replaces centralized elements, dependent on authorities, with decentralized elements.

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How Web 3.0 Works

Web3 architecture can be implemented in several ways. Most often today it is associated with the Ethereum blockchain, therefore all further content focuses on the description of this model:

  1. The user connects to the frontend of the decentralized application using a private key stored in a crypto-wallet (for example, Metamask).

  2. Frontend dApp connects to the provider (e.g. Metamask again).

  3. The provider communicates with smart contracts located in the blockchain.

  4. Blockchain nodes verify the transaction.

  5. After successful verification, a new block will be added to the blockchain.

So everyone controls the data that is added to the database and everyone has a copy of the database - peer-to-peer architecture. Communication with the blockchain is financed by cryptocurrency tokens and ownership is held in NFTs.

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Pros and Cons of Web 3.0



Personal data protection

The user has much more control over their data. In addition, the identity is protected through a private key.


Removing the Influence of Authorities

Web3 is built on decentralization. No one can condition the use of dApps, censor content or break the rules.


Cybercrime Reduction

The blockchain principle reduces the risk of cybercrimes.


Cryptocurrency Addiction

The value of tokens depends on the interest of users. If interest decreases, their value will also decrease.


Network performance and dApps

Higher security and trustworthiness of the Internet and transactions is paid for by slower network and application response.


Abuse of Decentralization

The absence of an authority that controls the operation of the network can lead to the abuse of this freedom. There is a risk of an increase in cases of harassment or hate speech.

What are dApps and how do they work?

Decentralized applications (abbreviated dApps) outwardly look the same as classic web applications. The control and focus of individual tools remains the same.

However, the difference is in the architecture and in the backend. The original client-server architecture is replaced by a peer-to-peer model, which stores data on decentralized storage (IPFS/SWARM) instead of on a centralized server.

The logic of the application itself is stored in smart contracts (smart contracts), which are located in the blockchain - hence the name blockchain application.

Writing data to the blockchain takes place through transactions. The form of these transactions is defined by the mentioned smart contracts, while for the execution of each transaction the user pays cryptocurrency tokens.

Blockchain makes dApps more secure, as its principle prevents the application from being overwritten or hacked. Likewise, no one can simply shut down a dApp, as there is no central entity that can determine the direction of the app by itself.

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Architecture of dApps



Digital identity of the user

  • verifies user identity and payment

  • signs transactions

  • communicates with frontend



Application UI

  • creates user requests

  • smart contracts communicate


mart contracts

Backend / application logic

  • code located in the blockchain

  • communicates with the user through transactions defined in the code


Ethereum Virtual Machine

Architecture Core

  • executes logic defined in smart contracts

  • processes all changes

Interest in Web 3.0 and the evolution of dApps over time


Web App Development vs. Creating dApps



  • frontend technologies of web applications: React, Angular, Vue.js, BootStrap, ...
  • frontend technologies for the development of dApps: same as for web applications
  • backend technologies of web applications: Node.js, Gatsby, Next.js, PHP, ...
  • backend technologies for dApps development: Truffle, Brownie, Hardhat, ...


  • traditional web applications are built on a backend and frontend that are deployed on centralized servers
  • dApps use decentralized elements and data are not stored on third-party servers

User Rights

  • web 2.0 and traditional web applications are controlled by authorities, so users may be blocked or censored
  • the basic idea of the web3 and application blockchain is the democratization of the internet - all users should have the same rights
  • using classic applications leaves a digital footprint - e.g. the internet provider sees the websites visited
  • decentralized applications put user privacy first


  • corporations behind the development of web applications can abuse user data
  • with dApps is user data, including identity in the hands of users
  • web apps face MITM and other attacks
  • dApps are built on a blockchain that prevents content tampering


What are decentralized applications?


A decentralized application is a type of software built on technologies without a central authority. They consist of two parts - a frontend that is created, for example, through JavaScript, and a backend - smart contracts that are stored in the blockchain.

At first glance, they are therefore indistinguishable from traditional web applications and may have the same uses - eg task management applications.

Which programming languages are used to create dApps?


Solidity - a programming language, designed for the creation of smart contracts, developed by Vitalik Buterin (the founder of the Ethereum blockchain).

Java – a language typical for developing mobile applications can also be used to create smart contracts and develop dApps.

JavaScript - one of the most popular tools for creating a website or developing web applications, thanks to its scalability and acceleration of the development process, has made its way to the development of dApps.

Simplicity - a language with a friendly syntax that makes coding easier and more efficient. It allows you to create smart contracts and other blockchain solutions not only for Bitcoin, but also for Ethereum.

Is Bitcoin a decentralized application?


Bitcoin is an open-source platform that allows its users to make transparent transactions without the supervision of any central authority. Thanks to this, Bitcoin can be called not only the world's first cryptocurrency, but also a decentralized application.

Is it possible to make money on a dApp?


Just like traditional web applications or websites, dApps can be monetized using various monetization techniques. One of the most used options is the so-called crowdsale, which is based on crowdsale, that is, on finding investors and dividing costs. The second option is fees for completed transactions. Thanks to this, you have a profit from using the application itself. Of course, well-established models such as payments in applications using cryptocurrencies can also be used in the same way.

The second option is fees for completed transactions. Thanks to this, you have a profit from using the application itself. Of course, well-established models such as payments in applications using cryptocurrencies can also be used in the same way.

Do decentralized applications belong to websites?


dApps are the same as any other digital product. It can be a website, a web app or a mobile app. The difference is that decentralized apps run on a decentralized foundation, like Ethereum.

What are the advantages of decentralized applications?


Due to the fact that the backend of dApps runs on the blockchain, decentralized applications have a high degree of security, maximum transparency and much higher control over user data. There is no central authority that can limit or control the data transmitted, and the blockchain ensures the operation no app crashes.

What is the difference between an application and a decentralized application?


The difference between webapplications and decentralized applications lies in their architecture. While web applications use centralized servers and databases, dApps only use decentralized platforms. The advantage of centralized web applications is faster operation. The advantage of dApps is greater transparency, freedom and independence from authorities.

Do dApps need a backend?


Decentralized applications, like traditional web projects, consist of two parts - backend and frontend. The difference is that currently most digital products run the backend on centralized servers. dApps use decentralized technologies, typically the Ethereum blockchain.


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Get in touch with Vít! He will discuss everything with you.

Vít Uličný

Founder & CEO

Vít Uličný