Strapi is one of the most used Headless CMS (Content Management System), i.e. content management systems. It allows you to add and edit web posts.
It is an open-source project built on the Node.js javascript framework. The word "headless" means that it is not tied to the front-end. So unlike WordPress, you won't find any design templates, only a content management interface (administration interface).
Because it separates the backend and frontend, you can combine it with a wide range of frontend technologies, such as the React library or Vue.js. However, this is not the only advantage.
Strapi technology has earned its popularity mainly due to its modifiability and extensibility. When developing web applications or creating websites, it often serves as a basis for creating a customized web administration (content management system), which can then be supplemented with custom plugins.
This brings the advantage of faster start-up and earlier deployment of the digital product among users. This is why Strapi is often used in startup projects and MVP development. It is especially suitable for content and corporate websites, smaller e-shops and e-commerce in general. In short, it can be used wherever WordPress is no longer enough.
The disadvantage of Strapi is that it is difficult to switch from another CMS, for example the aforementioned WordPress. In most cases, you will only encounter it in newer projects.
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Vít Uličný
Founder & CEO